taino people造句


  1. Columbus found the fort in ruins, destroyed by the native Taino people.
  2. Haitian Voodoo is a Taino peoples of Haiti.
  3. Its indigenous people are the Arawak-speaking Lucayan, part of the Taino people.
  4. Ta韓o women played an important role in intercultural interaction between Spaniards and the Taino people.
  5. They were originally made by the Taino people and may have served as venerated objects that housed local spirits or deities.
  6. It's difficult to find taino people in a sentence. 用taino people造句挺难的
  7. Even the Caribbean island's earliest inhabitants, the Taino people, used the frog's unmistakable form in rock carvings.
  8. Sheep's or goat's head are eaten as part of the barbacoa, a dish originating with the Taino people.
  9. The native Taino people of the island were systematically enslaved via the encomienda system implemented by Columbus, which resembled a feudal system in Medieval Europe.
  10. As a tribal leader, he conducted the traditional Taino Guatiao ( naming ceremony ) and has bestowed the Taino name on many modern Taino people today.
  11. A few years ago this pioneering institution created the first permanent exhibition in the United States of the art of the Taino people, the indigenous inhabitants of the Caribbean.
  12. Albizu's face is accompanied by an emblematic hand and heart and surrounded by the spiraling pictographic forms of the Taino people, Puerto Rico's indigenous pre-Conquest inhabitants.
  13. Running aground on the northern part of Hispaniola on December 5, 1492, which the Taino people had inhabited since the 7th century, the site became the first European settlement in the Americas.
  14. Both islands were major bases used by the Kalinago from the South to raid the Eastern Taino peoples of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, and were critically important for the Kalinago trade routes to the North.
  15. The program introduces many of the men and women of Puerto Rico, starting with the native Taino people, whom the Spaniards reduced through disease, slavery and warfare from an estimated 250, 000 to a few hundred.
  16. Taino Nation of the Antilles ( Nacion Taina de las Antillas ) held its Day of the Taino People to commemorate and celebrate the sixth anniversary of the restoration of a people thought to be extinct by most traditional scholars.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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